How to Better Inform the Public about Judiciary and Security?

Six editors of B-H media attended the first workshop of the educational program “Analytical Reporting – Justice and Security in B-H,” held on 4-5 April 2007 at Mediacentar Sarajevo. The program is funded by the Embassy of Great Britain in B-H in the framework of the program Global Conflict Prevention Fund and implemented by NetNovinar Training Center.
During the workshop, participants were acquainted with media legislation pertaining to the field of investigative reporting.
“Participants showed the greatest interest in the aspect of professional and legal duties and limitations in the news profession. Upon visiting the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of B-H, participants discussed judicial reform with Mr. Branko Perić, President of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of B-H, after which they visited the Court of B-H and learned about the work of the Court of B-H,” said Mehmed Halilović, the lead lecturer.
Participants were better acquainted with the situation in the field of security systems in the world and in B-H, as well as journalistic opportunities and challenges in the process of writing stories about this field.
Saša Leković, Investigative Journalism Trainer, used specific examples to explain to the participants the process of writing synopses of investigative stories, ways of finding and defining an investigative story topic, and the goals achieved by an investigative story.
“What was most interesting and beneficial for me is that I learned about writing an investigative story synopsis and now I understand what are all the questions that a journalist must ask him/herself and the interviewee in order to get a story,” said Ajdin Husić, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of Sarajevo’s eFM Studentski Radio.
Participants also learned about advanced internet search techniques which will make journalistic research easier.
The workshop lecturers were: Mehmed Halilović, Deputy Ombudsman on Media of FB-H; Saša Leković, Investigative Journalism Trainer; Branko Perić, President of the High Judicial and Prosecutorial Council of B-H; Neven Kazazović, independent expert on security issues; Nevena Ršumović, Editor-in-Chief of the web portal; and Nikica Gržić, Lawyer.
During the year-and-a-half program, another workshop will be held for five editors of B-H broadcasters and print media, as well as workshops for 40 journalists of B-H media, who will attend three-and-a-half-month education.
The organizer is NetNovinar – Center for Investigative Reporting and Media Education (founders: Mediacentar Sarajevo & Investigative Journalism Center, Zagreb)
The program is funded by the Embassy of Great Britain in Sarajevo in the framework of the program Global Conflict Prevention Fund.