Program on Investigative Reporting: Call for applications

Would you like to win journalism awards and front pages? Apply for a free five-month program, learn everything there is to know about investigative journalism from top experts, and write an investigative story with their assistance. Final date for applications: 20 August 2007.NetNovinar – Center for Investigative Reporting and Media Education (founders: Mediacentar Sarajevo & Investigative Journalism Center, Zagreb) invites applications for enrolment of participants in the program ‘Investigative Reporting: Public Institutions and Responsibility.’The Investigative Journalism Program so far educated 57 journalists from the region of the former Yugoslavia in five five-month cycles on the subject of organized crime. The Independent Association of Journalists of Serbia (NUNS) gave an award for exceptional contribution to investigative journalism to two Program participants, Đorđe Padejski in 2006 and Branislav Grković in 2007. Three investigative stories were carried on the front pages of regional newspapers.The program ‘Investigative Reporting: Public Institutions and Responsibility’ is designed primarily for print journalists, but broadcast journalists, freelance journalists and journalism students may also apply. During the program, participants will work on their own investigative stories, with continuous supervision and mentorship of the trainers. The program is designed to journalists writing in the Bosnian, Croatian or Serbian language.The stories will be published by print media whose editors confirm in writing that they will publish them. The stories will also be posted on the web portal for journalists in South East Europe Program is specific because it is the first long-term educational program in investigative journalism in the region consisting of a combination of classical workshops and online learning.The program commences in September 2007 and ends in January 2008. It is designed to be attended while doing regular work in newsrooms. Five-month education consists of two workshops held at Mediacentar Sarajevo, lasting a total of 9 work days, while the rest of the program will take place via the internet.Program participants will advance the process of investigation and writing investigative stories in line with top professional standards, with constant supervision and mentorship of experts in the following areas:- investigative process- organizing and implementing a news investigation- ethics in investigative reporting- media legislation- internet and database search techniques- writing investigative stories.The lead trainers/mentors in the Program are longtime investigative journalists and editors Saša Leković and Branko Čečen. Guest lecturers are: commercial database search (Paul Cristian Radu – Romanian Center for Investigative Journalism); media legislation (Mehmed Halilović – Office of Ombudsmen of the Federation of B-H); ethics (Gordana Vilović, Ph.D. – University of Dubrovnik and International Center for Education of Journalists, Zagreb); advanced internet search techniques and computer assisted reporting (Nevena Ršumović – Editor-in-Chief of web portal, and other guest experts from the region.For more information on how to apply for the program ‘Investigative Reporting: Public Institutions and Responsibility,’ click here.The closing date for applications is 20 August 2007.The program is financially supported by Open Society Fund BiH and Swedish Helsinki Committee for Human Rights.For more information, please contact:Maša Hilčišin masa@media.baLejla Kapetanović lejla@media.baNetNovinar – Center for Investigative Reporting and Media Education (founders: Mediacentar Sarajevo and Investigative Journalism Center, Zagreb +387 33 715 840