Public Debate: Women in the Media

How do the media present and portray women? What are the most common forms of gender stereotyping in the media and how can we recognize them? What are the results of media research projects implemented in B-H and the region? These are just some of the issues and topics that will be covered in the public debate "Women in media: gender stereotypes and discrimination," held on 6 December at the Mediacentar Sarajevo.
The aim of the public debate ‘‘Women in Media: Gender Stereotypes and Discrimination’ is to present the results of research of print media in B-H and the region on the ways in which women are presented in the media, the most common forms of sexual discrimination in the media's presentation of women, strategies and methods of discrimination, and how sexual and gender role stereotyping affects the general fight for equality of the sexes in our society.
The results of an extensive research project, ‘Stereotyping: Representation of Women in Print Media in South East Europe,’ will be presented during the debate. A collection of research papers has also been prepared, that, in addition to content analysis and comparative analysis of samples from dailies in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia carried out by Mediacentar Sarajevo, also contains research papers by authors from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia and Serbia. The authors, who come from different methodological and theoretical traditions, cover in a unique way the issues of gender and representation of women in print media in South East Europe.
The debate program includes a presentation of the research ‘Women and Media,’ a result of monitoring of print and broadcast media carried out on 8 March 2007. The research was implemented by the non-governmental organization Udružene žene Banja Luka (Associated Women Banja Luka) with the aim of identifying the position and portrayal of women in media in Bosnia-Herzegovina.
In addition to presenting the results of recent media research projects, the debate program provides for an exchange of experience in working with the media from the perspective of feminist activism through media coverage and participation in activities dealing with the position of women in B-H.
Presenters in the public debate will be Adla Isanović, researcher (Mediacentar Sarajevo), Amela Bašić, researcher (Udružene žene Banja Luka), Jadranka Miličević and Taida Horozović, feminist activists (CURE Foundation).
The presence of other prominent activists from non-governmental organizations, representatives of governmental institutions and journalists from the leading media is expected in the debate.
The public debate ‘Women in Media: Gender Stereotypes and Discrimination’ is a part of a 16 days of activism campaign in the fight against violence against women, held every year from 25 November until 10 December. This year’s campaign, on the theme of domestic violence and The Law on Protection from Domestic Violence, will encompass the following activities: joint street action in 10 B-H cities with the aim of drawing attention to the presence of domestic violence in B-H, how to recognize violence and whom to report it to; educational workshops in Sarajevo’s high schools on the subject of gender and/or sex-based violence – main concepts; workshop for journalists on the theme of gender sensitive language in B-H media, and many other activities. For more information on the 16 days of activism, see
The public debate ‘Women in Media: Gender Stereotypes and Discrimination’ is organized by Mediacentar Sarajevo in collaboration with the CURE Foundation and "Udružene žene" Banja Luka.
The debate will be held at the Mediacentar Sarajevo (Address: Kolodvorska 3, Sarajevo) on 6 December at 6 pm. Please confirm your participation no later than 4 December.
Contact person for confirming participation and additional information:
Maša Hilčišin
Mediacentar Sarajevo+387 33 715