Magazin: Investigative journalism

Matija Misic is a Balkans hedonist and the Arizona Market is his playground.
When I walk into the coordinator’s office a short and emaciated girl with no make-up and a man’s short haircut is the first to greet me. She shakes my hand, says she is originally from Moldova and gives her name as Tatiana, which is a pseudonym to protect her from discovery by her “owners” during her life of prostitution.
The billboard in downtown Brcko looks as if it is advertising a shopping mall in California.
Jovica Stevanovic is a restless man with a vision for his hometown.

Here is the result of a new investigative project of the Romanian Centre for Investigative Journalism (RCIJ): two articles about the exploatation of children trough work. This phenomenon was investigated in Romania and the Republic of Moldavia, and the articles were published in "Jurnalul National" (Bucharest, Romania) and "Flux" (Chisinau, R. Moldavia).
