Magazin: Investigative journalism

Branislav Grković, participant in the “Investigative Reporting Program: Stories on the Theme of Organized Crime,” discovered that laws in Serbia do not treat possession of child pornography as a crime.

A participant in the education program “Investigative Journalism and Organized Crime”, who won an investigative journalism award for a story done during the program, describes the long and frustrating road that resulted in a good story and recognition by the Independent Association of Journalists of Serbia (NUNS).

Cyprus and several other states allow companies' founders to do their business through representatives without too many questions asked, and thus hide their identity from the public and investigative reporters. How can we overcome this hurdle in the quest for the origin of dirty money?

Bosnia-Herzegovina doesn’t have a specialized institution at any level of government which would even register, let alone fight illegal trade in art, antiquities or archeological finds, as if this type of crime didn’t exist. These are upsetting facts uncovered by ONASA journalist Dževad Ćesko while working on a recently published story.

Read about the ways in which counterfeit money arrives in Serbia and the complete “mechanisms” of this exclusive, lucrative “cross-border” crime, investigated by a participant in the “Investigative Reporting and Organized Crime” training program, implemented by NetNovinar – Center for Investigative Reporting and Media Education.
