O Mediacentru - Saopštenja

Journalists from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia and Montenegro may apply for a five-month education program to specialise in investigative reporting focusing on organised crime topics. Traditional training / workshops are combined with period of distance learning through internet. The program is intended primarily for journalists from print media, however electronic media journalists, as well as freelancers and journalism students are also eligible to apply. Application deadline is 31 July 2006.
The Second workshop of the ‘Investigative Reporting Program: organised crime stories', will include topics dealing with the investigative reporting ethics and database search. The workshop participants will work intensively on investigative stories. The workshop will take place from 8th to 11th May in the Mediacentar Sarajevo. Twelve participants from BiH, Croatia and Serbia and Montenegro will take part in the Investigative Reporting Program.
The training course 'Editorial ethics for online journalists' will be held at the Mediacentar Sarajevo from 24 to 28 April 2006. At the end of the course participants are expected to compile the first Internet Ethics Guidelines for journalists, which shall be presented to the South-East Europe media community. 12 representatives from the SEE media organisations have been selected to take part in the course.
In the course of this highly interactive course to be held at Mediacentar Sarajevo, 24 -28 April 2006, 12 editors and journalists from the region of South East Europe will examine the existing practice of online journalism ethics in order to come up with recommendations for the region. The course will enable them to join the international debate on this issue and initiate a debate in their own countries and the SEE region. Applications deadline is 1 April 2006.
The first journalists training session as part of the new phase of the VEZZA project was held from 8 to 10 March in the Mediacentar Sarajevo. Journalists from 9 BiH radio stations involved in the VEZZA project took part in the training, organised by the Centre for investigative reporting and media education of the Mediacentar Sarajevo.
